Holding Back the Tide, is a free learning resource conceptualised by local artist Briar Cook, and is an exploration of native plants growing along our sand dunes.
Seven plants are pictured in black and white, ready to be coloured in. Then - fold the page into a little booklet, take it to the beach and identify some of the common but beautiful native plants growing in the dunes. The reverse side has some instructions, stories about the plants, and additional information to help anyone curious to learn more. You can find a hard copy at "Down by the Sea" 105 Brighton Mall. You can also download and print your own copy of the booklet, or the poster from this page. (If you are printing your own booklet you will need to print to A3 paper, set to 'print on both sides' and 'flip on long edge'.)
New Brighton Project are honoured to have been able to support Briar in bringing this project to life.
Kia ora Briar,
Nei ra te mihi nui ki a koe,
Mo tō mahi ataahua, mahi pai
Kia kaha, kia maia
Kia manawanui
Kia ora Briar,
Nei ra te mihi nui ki a koe,
Mo tō mahi ataahua, mahi pai
Kia kaha, kia maia
Kia manawanui
Holding Back the Tide -Coastal Flora of New Brighton
by Briar Cook:
Briar is available to discuss similar projects with others and can be contacted at [email protected] This project was made possible with funding support from The Creative Communities Fund CCC
It is licensed under a Creative Commons.Attribution-Non- Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 International Licence.
To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/